Featured Crew

Venkat Gertz - Aviation Maintenance Technician


From Apprentice to Certified Aviation Maintenance Technician

Meet Venkat Gertz, a dedicated Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) with a passion for aviation that started at a young age. Born and raised in India, Venkat was fascinated by the roar of jet engines and the sight of fighter jets flying over his home near an Indian Air Force Base. The thrill of watching these powerful aircraft inspired an early dream to become a naval aviator, with a particular admiration for the skill and precision needed to land a 50,000 lb. aircraft on a moving runway less than 1,200 ft long.

After a brief stay in the United States for grad school, Venkat reached a crossroads. Wanting a more hands-on and tangible career, aircraft maintenance quickly became the natural choice, and he moved to Canada to pursue a diploma in Aircraft Maintenance at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Calgary. He credits his instructors– Kyle Hegedus, Roger McIntosh, and Todd Day for providing the foundation needed to thrive in the field.

After gaining permanent residency in the U.S., Venkat was on the lookout for opportunities to further his career and gain his A&P (Airframe & Powerplant) certification. A job posting for an apprentice technician with CommuteAir caught his eye, and he immediately applied for the position, and got it. The initial six-week training in Houston included a comprehensive introduction to aircraft maintenance, including hands-on experience with sheet metal, turbine and reciprocating engines, safety wiring, tool usage, and more. Working on essential components like Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) and AE3007-A1E engines powering the aircraft he now maintains was an unforgettable part of the experience.

Within 30 months of becoming a CommuteAir maintenance apprentice, and thanks to his perseverance and the support of his colleagues and managers, he obtained his A&P certification with both Airframe and Powerplant ratings. With his A&P certification now in hand, Venkat feels empowered. “I feel accomplished. I feel sought after. I feel indispensable. This license now opens doors to countless opportunities.”

For Venkat, working on aircraft is more than just a job—it’s a passion. “Every day is a hobby day for me,” he said with a smile. “Living in Lincoln, Nebraska has been a welcome change, with its smaller city vibe and easy access to Omaha and the nearby SAC Air Museum. The CommuteAir hangar provides a comfortable indoor environment during the winter months, making it a great place to work year-round.”

And his ultimate dream job? To gain enough technical expertise to become a Subject Matter Expert (SME) for the 737 series aircraft.

For those just starting their journey toward becoming an A&P, Venkat has some advice: “Now is the time. Enroll in a paid apprenticeship like CommuteAir or Part 147 school to get your tickets! There’s always a demand for aviation maintenance technicians, and having this license gives you the mobility to work almost anywhere in the world.”

Venkat also encourages aspiring technicians to persevere and put in the hard work needed to succeed. “Make short-term sacrifices for long-term gains. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The only wrong question is one that isn’t asked. Work hard, strive to be fun to work with, and always listen to others. And during your downtime, read the AMM Part I to learn more about aircraft systems.”